A legkorábbi Pázmány-portré „rejtélye“

  • Tusor, Péter
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Publication date
January 2013
Akademiai Kiado Zrt.


Abstract The earliest authentic representation of Péter Pázmány is registered by special literature as his portrait as a Somascan monk. It is based on the white hooded garment Pázmány is wearing in the picture. It is obviously not part of a Jesuit's or an archbishop's or cardinal vestments. The interpretation as Somascan, the source of which is the handwritten catalogue of the Pannonhalma collection which preserves the picture, was probably based on the preclusion of other possibilities. To refute this assumption, there are more than one arguments. We know that Pázmány was not entitled to put on the Somascan habit — which was otherwise taken for him from Rome to Prague in July 1616 because his de facto admission into the order was held up...

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